“Scrum-ul” si testarea



Scrum-ul este un framework de process Agile  pentru dezvoltare de Software. Unii ii mai spun si “methodologia Scrum”. Umbrela de „Agile development“ mai cuprinde pe langa Scrum si alte concepte / artefacte / „bazaconii“: Kanban, Test Driven Development, eXtreme Programming, Lean Software Development ....

Multe persoane isi pun problema, cum se poate face testarea (Quality Assurance) intr-un process Scrum?

Cateva idei ar fi :
Agile nu este doar Scrum, Scrum este Agile;

  • In Scrum : Dezvoltatori == Testeri (Echipa Cross functional);
  • Testarea nu trebuie lasata la voia intamplarii sau pe seama altora sa gaseasca bug-uri;
  • Procesul de dezvoltare nu este o hartie / Desen / Diagrama, ci un mecanism continuu de imbunatatit;

Rezultatele conteaza pana la urma, Satisfactia clientului si nu ce am folosit la testare: Exploratory Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing,…

Ar fi util ca timpul pentru testare sa fie planificat, chiar daca echipa nu este “cross functional”. In acest moment o recomandare ar fi sa se utilizeze Story Points (complexitate) pentru estimare.

Cyber Security for Managers

How a Cyber attacker is “working”?

Most probably they look just like you and me. A cyber attacker, or cyber criminal, works in an office or home similar to us and they have a goal of making money from the access they got it. The new normal is a phrase we hear a lot at the moment, and unfortunately, endemic cybercrime is the new normal.

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Clean Code in Java

CleanCode.png, Dec 2021

Writing clean code is important because it allows you to communicate clearly with the next person who uses what you write. Being able to go back to previously written code and understand its purpose is the key, especially in the field of Software Development.

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